
SunTrust Bank

Phone: 1-800.SUNTRUST,877.752.2797,800.786.8787

CDs and Savings-Secured Loans

SunTrust’s certificate of deposit (CD) and savings account-secured loans are a cost-effective way to obtain the cash you need to meet your financial needs. You can borrow against your SunTrust certificate of deposit or secured savings account balance for just about any purpose. And with SunTrust you can count on competitive rates along with flexible repayment options designed to make your life easier.
Competitive fixed interest rates
A fixed monthly payment amount based on the interest rate and the term of the loan

Loan terms up to 60 months

Consolidate high interest rate debt, increase monthly cash flow, or meet unexpected expenses
A fast, easy application process with conditional approval within hours of submitting an application1
Interest Rate
Competitive fixed interest rates
Preliminary line and loan decisions are usually made within 24 hours on applications received during normal business hours.
Supporting Documents


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